COUNCIL OF URBAN CULTURE - SCALE 3 - Site Selection/Distribution : Event Locations in the City of Luxembourg

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Revisiting Architectural Heritage


National Cultural Infrastructure


Since Luxembourg and Grand Duchy of Luxembourg European Capital of Culture 1995, the focus for Luxembourg and the Greater Region European Capital of Culture 2007 was set on the following infrastructures: Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbey Neumünster, the new Philharmonic Hall, the Amplified Music Hall (Rockhal), the renovated National Museum of History and Art (MNHA), the two CFL Rotundas, the future Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Kean (MUDAM), Fortress Museum, the National Audiovisual Centre (CNA); the “rebirth” of the Grand Theatre de la Ville, the Bonnevoie Rotundas.


Landmark Buildings: Rotunda I + II


The projects of Luxembourg 2007 propose their programme under the banner of ''renewal and metamorphosis''.
Under the central theme of ''migrations'', the Rotundas were used as a pair of landmark buildings and headquarter for exhibitions around the central railway station of Luxembourg City. The Rotundas are two round glass, stone and steel buildings which were used as locomotive and bus-repair shops for the Luxembourg railway (CFL) and are listed as historic monuments.
In 2007, the Rotunda 1 had been (partially) refurbished to accommodate various projects from the art disciplines, multimedia and acoustic installations, new technologies, performances and fashion shows, narrative art and involved art.
The Rotunda 2 was left in its raw state to accomodate professional international companies and artists and, the on-the-spot creation of spectacles by young people and associated artists and partners.
The two Rotundas have become iconic anchors of the Old city and attract attention by their sheer architectural opposition.


Delay in Completion


In the case of Luxembourg European Capital of Culture 2007, the rotundas were not completed in time due to financial and structural reasons.
The refurbishment and decontamination of the former locomotive repair shop had started for Luxembourg ECOC 2007, but only reopened to the public in 2015. In the meanwhile, all the events were held in the former Paul Wurth hall in Hollerich.