PENDING STRUCTURES - Swinging coffee table

description | images


project title: Pending Structures - Swinging coffee table
project description: 2nd Year Media Studies in Architecture
author: Anouk Ahlborn, Lingxiu Chong, Alexander Furunes
course: AA Intermediate School
complementary course: Media Studies 2
brief: Pending Structures
tutor/assesor: Valentin Bontjes van Beek
place/year: London: Architectural Association School of Architecture, 2010/11.
Dorset: Hooke Park, 2010/11.
format: print and digital submission, phyisical model, on-site installation
content: case study, architectural element, sketch models, technical drawings, render visualisation, scale models, test models, on-site installation
process: furniture study, table design, pending structure, rotating mechanism, joining and fixing, cnc milling, assembly, user experience
acknowledgement: with special thanks to Valentin Bontjes van Beek and the team members!