REDESIGNING EDEN: Granny Smith in the Garden of Earthly Delights

description | project


project title: Redesigning Eden: Granny Smith in the Garden of Earthly Delights
project description: 2rd Year Design Project in Architecture
author: Anouk Ahlborn
course: AA Intermediate School (Year 2)
unit: Intermediate Unit 12
unit brief: Deep Copy
unit master: Sam Jacob, Tomas Klassnik
place/year: London: Architectural Association School of Architecture, 2010/11.
format: tabletop and screen presentation of prints, phyisical models, video
content: collages, pictorial analysis, case study, design proposal
process: copying, object triangulation, collaging, layering, narrative
acknowledgement: with special thanks to my unit masters, academic staff and external consultants

(click here for the Online AA Projects Review 2011)

(click here for the Online ISSUU Publication of the AA Projects Review 2011)

(click here for the AA Projects Review BOOK 2011)