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Format Factory
'Format Factory' addresses the cultural crisis of western civilisation and challenges the possibility of a formal autonomy in architecture by referring to Aby Warburg's Mnemosyne Atlas of Images (1924-1929) and exploring a notion of format developed from the artistic tension between 'form' and 'content'. It is subject to the theoretical and practical constraint in which 'format' is the only 'content' of the project, eventually leading to a mise en abyme of form.
As a theoretical as well as practical exercise, the project develops its methodology by relating to artistic and knowledge theories and comes to a formal realisation in a site-less, self-referential and
self-contained universe.
'Format Factory' encourages the misuse of techniques of linear narration and dualistic oppositions within a project in order to exceed the epistemological frameworks imposed by history in favour of our own, more intuitive, fictional truths. |